A bumper Buchan sale!
February 2025
Hello everyone
Those of you who are members of the John Buchan Society will recently have received issue no. 57 of the John
Buchan Journal. As well as being packed with interesting articles (hats off to the contributors and to Ann Stonehouse
for producing such an excellent issue as her last act as editor of the Journal) I was struck by the many John Buchan
books referenced in the various articles - many more than usual, I think.
With this in mind I attach a list of all the books I have which were referenced in this issue, all discounted by at least
10%. After each title there is a reference to the page number of this issue. Because I am in the process of slowly
winding down Crask Books, there are a few titles I don't have at the moment, but most are there. No photographs this
time - it would have taken a long time to produce & attach them all. The descriptions of the books are fairly clear, I
think, but if you want to know more or particularly want a picture of a book, just get in touch.
If you are not a member of the Society, may I encourage you to consider this. Please go to
where you will find plenty of information about the Society. On the home page there is a link to "Become a member".
The site also includes a link to information about the John Buchan Story, the museum in Peebles of John Buchan's life
and work.
Kind regards
Please click here to see the collection list
Crask Books (formerly SMS Books) was formed out of my John Buchan collecting habit some 15 years
ago. Through a series of unexpected events we became, some 9 years ago, the largest dealers in the
world of books by and about John Buchan and his family. The aim is to keep as wide a range as possible
but, because of the extreme rarity of some of his works we can never have everything that was written by
JB. For full details of all our services, for a current stock list or for any book-related queries you can contact
us as follows:
telephone: (+44) 7947 733860
mail: 1 Halls Brook, East Leake, Loughborough, LE12 6HE